Washington State DUI DOL Hearing Attorneys

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Be prepared for your Washington department of licensing hearing.

An arrest for a Seattle drunk driving crime can make you feel like hiding from the rest of world, but you have to act fast to request a hearing with the Washington Department of Licensing (Washington DOL hearing). At your Washington State DOL hearing, a decision will be made about whether you will get to keep your driver’s license or if it is going to be suspended. Depending on the Washington drunk driving violation for which you are charged, the length of the driver’s license suspension can vary.

If your driver’s license is suspended after an Seattle DUI arrest, you will not be able to drive at all. At the time your license is reinstated you will have to obtain expensive high risk (SR-22) auto insurance, and keep it for three years. From the date of your Seattle DUI arrest, you have only 7 days to request your own hearing with the Washington DOL. If you are desirous of retaining your driving privileges then you need to address the issue without delay, not wasting any valuable time.

Most Washington residents need their vehicles for daily activities like getting to work, going to the store, or shuttling their kids to and from school. Losing your driver’s license will place a heavy burden on your entire family, and it could even cost you your job depending on the circumstances.

It obviously makes sense to begin preparation for the WA Department of Licensing hearing that quickly follows your Seattle DUI arrest. Contact one of our Seattle DUI attorneys today so that you can get the professional help you need to prepare an aggressive defense at your Washington DOL hearing.

Preparing for your Washington State DOL hearing takes hard work.

Our Seattle DUI lawyers need time to build a defense based on the facts if you want to have any reasonable chance of success at your Washington DOL hearing, as well as in criminal court. Your lawyer will look for errors in the police reports pertaining to your case in the hopes that they find evidence that could lead to having your Seattle DUI charges dismissed or reduced. Retaining their driving privileges is very important to most of our Seattle clients, so our focus will be on getting ready for your Washington DOL hearing.

Best of all, preparation for your Washington State DOL hearing means you are also laying the groundwork for the criminal portion of your case. When you appear in court, you will possess the necessary facts to defend yourself, and your attorney will be there with you every step of the way to ensure your legal rights are being acknowledged.

Contact us today for a free consultation at your earliest convenience.

If you were recently arrested for an Seattle drunk driving crime, you likely have a lot going through your mind. The deadline for the Washington DOL hearing comes sooner than you may anticipate, so contacting us as soon as possible to get a head start on your defense is a wise move.

Get some answers to your most urgent questions without spending a dime or making any commitment. When your free consultation is complete, you can choose whether to retain one of our legal professionals. If so, they will immediately start investigating your Seattle DUI case, so that your Washington State DOL defense is ready before you have to appear.

It would be unwise to take any chances when it comes to your driving privileges. Contact one of our professional Seattle DUI attorneys today and they will do everything legally possible to keep you validly licensed in the state of Washington.

Is the Washington State DOL hearing process different if this is my first DUI arrest?

At your Washington DOL hearing, if this happens to be the first time that you’ve been arrested for a WA DUI, you will be facing a suspension of your driver’s license for 90 days. The penalty is even greater if you had refused the breathalyzer test during your arrest, which is a license suspension for one full year.

For second or third time DUI offenders, the penalties can be much more severe. There are multiple factors that will be considered at the Washington State DOL hearing (such as the number of arrests within the last seven year period). The penalty for license suspension also jumps to 2-4 years.

Our Seattle DUI lawyers will fight to keep you licensed to drive.

While there aren’t any guarantees that a lawyer can prevent your license suspension, having tough legal counsel by your side at your Washington state DOL hearing will increase your chances of success a great deal. Contacting us as soon as possible to go over the details of your case will allow our team sufficient time to compose an aggressive defense based on Washington DUI law before you are required to show up.

Factors that your Washington State drunk driving attorney will take into account include:

  • If there was a legitimate reason you had been stopped for to begin with.
  • If the breathalyzer test was administered properly.

What happens after the Washington department of licensing hearing?

There is a good amount of work remaining after the WA State DOL hearing. For instance, it is required for you to make an appearance at criminal court. While this may sound intimidating, having an experienced Washington DUI lawyer by your side during the process should help ease your mind. In the mean time, the DOL considers your case, and typically within a few short weeks, you’ll receive notification regarding the outcome.

Get your questions answered and be prepared for your Washington DOL Hearing.

With your driving privileges on the line, it is advisable to not self- represent at your DOL hearing, as this rarely turns out well. A free consultation with a skilled Seattle DUI attorney will help get your questions answered and prepare you for what may having a lasting impact on the rest of your life. Please contact us today – we’re here to help!

(206) 686-3279

1218 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101